Referat ISM/ILO - Bereich ISM-Code
Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg
Fax: +49 40 361 37-204

Tilo Berger
Phone: +49 40 361 37-213

Sven Reese
Phone: +49 40 361 37-313

Kathrin Saß
Phone: +49 40 361 37-260

Florian Reise
Phone: +49 40 361 37-214
Auditing · Consulting
- Advice and support from the Ship Safety Division
- Auditing of Safety Management Systems
- Support in case of deficiencies / detentions during PSC inspections
Advice and support from the Ship Safety Division
The ship safety division of the BG Verkehr performs all necessary monitoring of ISM implementation on behalf of the German flag. It also deals in depth with all questions of Safety Management System concepts and develops standards and guidelines to strengthen their effectiveness.
Its experts are experienced master mariners and chief engineers. They assist shipping companies and recognized organizations (classification societies) in complying effectively and practically with the comprehensive requirements of the ISM-Code, according to uniform principles.
The ship safety division of the BG Verkehr provides:
- all administrative tasks for the implementation of the ISM-Code including issuance of relevant certificates
- development of flag state principles for the implementation of the ISM-Code
- practical consultation of shipping companies by experienced master mariners and chief engineers
- evaluation, optimisation and dynamic advancement of Safety Management Systems
- active monitoring and observation of auditing procedures
- objectives and guidelines as a basis from which shipping companies establish and maintain Safety Management Systems
- information of shipping companies about developments and requirements in the field of safe management and operation of ships
Auditing of Safety Management Systems
Shipping companies may assign the auditing of their Safety Management System (SMS) to the ship safety division of the BG Verkehr or to a recognized organization (classification society).
Support in case of deficiencies and / or detentions during port state control inspections
The ship safety division of the BG Verkehr lends support to companies operating German-flagged ships on which, during a port state control inspection abroad, deficiencies are unreasonably raised. Find out more about help during problems at port state controls.