Bereich Hafenstaatkontrolle
Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 361 37-297 (office hours)/+49 40 361 37-100 (24h)
Fax: +49 40 361 37-295

Mike Meklenburg
Phone: +49 40 361 37-202
Inspection system
Port state control in Germany is part of an International network
In German ports the Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit (Ship Safety Division) of the BG Verkehr is responsible for performing port state control (PSC) inspections. All inspection and monitoring activities are controlled and co-ordinated in Hamburg. The port state control officers from the BG Verkehr are exclusively experienced master mariners or marine engineers. Their expertise enables them to assess a situation on board promptly and professionally as well as to determine appropriate measures to safeguard the international safety standard.
Port state control in Germany is an integral part of the inspection system of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) on port state control. Member states of the Paris MoU have agreed on a common inspection regime, based on a uniform standard. The central database THETIS provides member states with a common tool enabling effective and supranational port state control.
High Risk Ships are inspected more frequently
Since its beginning in 1982, port State controls have been continuously expanded and improved. While in the past, PSCOs inspected about 25% of the ships entering the ports, nowadays however, the selection and frequency of controls depends on a ship's individual risk.
The European Maritime Safety Agency EMSA calculates the risk profile for each ship in its database THETIS. The calculation comprises various factors such as Flag State, RO and shipowner's performance as well as age and type of ship and the number of past deficiencies of the ship. The Flag State and RO rankings are published regularly; risk profiles can be calculated personally and in a transparent way with the "Ship Risk Calculator" and the "Company Performance Calculator".
EMSA divides all ships into three different risk classes:
- „Low Risk Ships (LRS)“: These ships with outstanding positive features are „rewarded“ with less frequent PSC inspections, which occur at the earliest every 24 months.
- „Standard Risk Ship (SRS)“ are inspected at least every 12 months.
- „High Risk Ships (HRS)“ have to be inspected every 6 months under Paris MoU.
Regardless of the risk-based inspection intervals, port State control officers of the BG-Verkehr perform inspections on ships for which deficiencies or incidents possibly affecting ship safety or marine environment protection are found at inspections of traffic control centers, port authorities, pilots or harbour police. Moreover, where seafarers handed in complaints in accordance with the Maritime Labour Convention, MLC, regarding inadequate working or living conditions on board additional inspections are performed.