Bereich Hafenstaatkontrolle
Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 361 37-297 (office hours)/+49 40 361 37-100 (24h)
Fax: +49 40 361 37-295

Mike Meklenburg
Phone: +49 40 361 37-202
Notification requirements
- 72 hour message for port state control of certain ships
- All reporting formalities to "National Single Window"
- Access to ports and locks - sanction measures against Russia
72 hour message for port state control of certain ships
Masters of certain ships have to register at the BG Verkehr for an expanded inspection within the scope of port state control at least 72 hours in advance to their arrival at a German port:
- all High Risk Ships and/or
- tankers more than 12 years old,
- bulk carriers more than 12 years old,
- passenger ships more than 12 years old,
On voyages shorter than 72 hours the masters have to notify their arrival at the latest at the time the ship leaves the last port prior to an anticipated inspection.
This registration allows the port state control officers to prepare for their surveys.
Further information on the notification requirements of German ports is given in section 2.2.2 of the annex of the "Anlaufbedingungsverordnung" (ordinance on the terms of calling at a German port).
The registration requirements of port state control are not related to the obligations to report regarding security (ISPS Code). Find further information about the obligations to report according to the ISPS Code under "Safety · Security".
All reporting formalities to one central point: the "National Single Window"
Shipowners, shipping companies, ship agents and masters are required to report a call at a European port as well as the transit through the Kiel Canal electronically to the responsible authorities. Rather than reporting to different authorities one by one, Directive 2010/65/EU requires the European member states to establish an electronic “National Single Window” for all reporting formalities.
In Germany the following reports can be made via the National Single Window Germany:
- Announcement port visit / announcement transit Kiel Canal
- Dangerous goods notification upon arrival / departure
- Arrival / departure notification
- Port notification
- Port State Control notification for expanded inspections (see section above)
- Waste notification
- Maritime Declaration of Health
- Immigration notification
- Security notification
Further details about notification requirements and about the National Single Window Germany are given in the information brochure.
Access to ports and locks - sanction measures against Russia
The EU sanctions against the Russian Federation are implemented with Regulation (EU) No. 833/2014. This regulation prohibits that ships flying the Russian flag or which, after 24 February 2022, have changed flag from the Russian flag to another flag or changed their register are granted access to ports and locks in the territory of the Union.
An exception to this prohibition is provided for in the Union's legislation with the implementation of the VIII. set of sanctions for ships that had been registered as bareboat charter under Russian flag and are entitled to fly the flag of the original register of an EU member state after this cut-off date (Regulation (EU) No. 833/2014, Art 3ea Para. 5b).
The competent authority for issuing exceptions is the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). Information on the application and the necessary supporting documents are summarized in a checklist.