IMO World Maritime Day 2021
During the pandemic, the fate of seafarers has become a core issue in the maritime sector: keeping up the supply chain, the crew change crisis, the status of seafarers as key workers and a vaccination programme for seafarers. To acknowledge their dedication and highlight their importance, not only during the pandemic, IMO's World Maritime Day 2021 revolves around seafarers.
The human element plays a crucial role in maritime technological and environmental protection development. The human element is a challenge and at the same time an opportunity to successfully implement digitalization and automation by ensuring an appropriately trained and qualified future workforce, emphasizes Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary General. That's why IMO ties the topic "Seafarers: At the core of shipping's future" to United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular:
- SDG 4: inclusive and equitable quality education
- SDG 5: gender equality
- SDG 8: decent work and economic growth
- SDG 9: industry, innovation and infrastructure
The focus of the World Maritime Day 2021 on seafarers is also reflected in different campaigns. On the IMO website, seafarers of various nationalities and ranks on board contribute to current maritime issues. In interviews, videos and panel contributions at the main event we find out how seafarers view their current situation and how they envision shipping's future. One thing becomes clear: Much has changed and is changing in the maritime sector in terms of diversity, environmental protection and digitalization. Seafarers are preparing for the upcoming changes and want to be part of the solution. But why don't you listen, read and watch yourself what Helen Frances Coultas, Ashwin Pillai, Veronica Bonimy and many more have to say.