Bunker oil: Bunker suppliers at a glance

From now on, the Federal maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) offers a new online overview of the bunker suppliers. This new application makes the search for bunker suppliers easier and more convenient.

Shipping companies can now look up local fuel suppliers (fuel for ships) on the BSH website filtered by location, type of fuel and delivery amount. At https://www.bsh.de/EN/TOPICS/Shipping/Environment_and_shipping/MARPOL/marpol_node.html more than 30 suppliers are listed by now. More will follow over the course of 2021.

The BSH keeps this index of local fuel suppliers in accordance with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Regulation VI/18.9.1). If you find any suppliers missing in the index and for further inquiries, please contact

Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78
20359 Hamburg
E-Mail: marpol@bsh.de