New Leaflet on Malaria

Malaria is a dangerous infectious disease which can be caught during voyages in risk areas. If it gets detected in time, it is curable. Untreated, some forms of Malaria can cause severe organ damages and even lead to death.

The Maritime Medical Service (Seeärztlicher Dienst) of the BG Verkehr updated all important information about the disease and its prevention in the new Leaflet on Malaria. It also details how to get the case of Malaria recognized as occupational disease.

In comparison to the previous version, the Malaria leaflet of the BG Verkehr contains three alterations:

  1. The map of areas with a high risk of Malaria transmission has been updated,
  2. The information that the drug Malarone can be taken over a longer period of time,
  3. The detailed description with photos of how to prepare a blood sample for the recognition as an occupational disease later on.

For a hardcopy of the brochure of the Leaflet on Malaria please refer to Mr. Meixner, phone +49 40 36 137-236 or e-mail:

Please note that the old leaflet has to be replaced at the latest for the next inspection of the medicine cabinet, in accordance with section 109 paragraph 3 of the German Maritime Labour Act).

Further information on medical equipment on board of ships can be found in our rubric "Maritime Medicine".