27th World Maritime Day

The International Maritime Organization IMO celebrates its 70th anniversary at the 27th World Maritime Day on 27 September 2018. The Federal authorities in the port cities and towns hoist their flags to mark the occasion.

This year's theme of the World Maritime Day is "IMO 70: Our Heritage – Better Shipping for a Better Future". The Internationale Maritime Organization celebrates its 70th anniversary since the adoption of the IMO Convention.

The IMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations which shapes international maritime shipping like no other organization. Among its most important instruments are conventions such as SOLAS, MARPOL, MLC and STCW as well as various codes (IMSBC, Polar Code, Code on Intact Stability, Code for Fire Safety Systems, Life-Saving Appliance Code and many more).

The IMO's, by now, 173 member states have committed themselves to comply with more than 50 international instruments and see to safe, secure, sustainable, environmentally sound and efficient maritime shipping.

Over 80% of global trade takes place at sea. The IMO creates a level playing field and keeps an eye out for its impacts. It defines international standards for ship design and construction, training of seafarers, safe navigation and prevention of pollution by ships.