New head of the Ship Safety Division

The lawyer Kai Krüger (49) has taken on the position as head of the Ship Safety Division at BG Verkehr. He is Ulrich Schmidt’s successor after his sudden passing on 22. December 2016. Mr. Krüger had already led the Division provisionally since February.

Kai Krüger was born in the Lüneburg Heath. He started his professional career in Berlin as an apprentice at the Federal Insurance Institute for Salaried Employees. Subsequently, he worked at the Accident Prevention and Insurance Association for Construction in Hannover for four years. After studying law at the University of Hannover, he started as a trainee lawyer at the Marine Insurance and Ship Safety Association. Most recently, he led the law department of the Ship Safety Division.


Kai Krüger describes his goals: “I am looking forward to my new task and the challenge to ready the division for the future.” Costumer focus is an important factor for success in this. Digitalisation also offers great opportunities for administration. “Our most important aim remains ship safety,” says the head of the Ship Safety Division.

The Ship Safety Division administers on behalf of the federal government statutory tasks in the maritime sector and is part of the German Flag State Administration. The division is responsible for the compliance with national and international provisions regarding ship safety and the protection of the marine environment as well as for the inspection and certification of life saving appliances and fire protection equipment. Surveyors of the Ship Safety Division conduct port state controls on ships with foreign flags in German ports. In the area of maritime labour law, the Ship Safety Division is responsible for the inspection of the working and living conditions of seafarers on board (flag state and port state controls). With its Maritime Medical Service, the Division is also the central point of contact for all questions regarding maritime medicine in Germany.