Excellent Training

The shipping company Rörd Braren of Kollmar and Uwe Rottwinkel of the shipping company Rambow of Dochtersen are the winners of the award “Excellent training workplace and excellent trainer 2017”. The competent body of maritime vocational training “Berufsbildungsstelle Seeschifffahrt e.V.” (BBS) presented the award at the 11th Bremer Schifffahrtskongress.

The speakers at the event emphasized how important a profound and practical training is for maritime shipping. “The dual vocational training offered in Germany is an international export hit. My wish is that in the future young people will still be trained as ship mechanics and will be able to practice this profession in the shipping companies,” said Jörg Schultz, State Councillor with the Bremen Senator for Economics, Work and Ports.

For the first time a trainer was honoured for his personal dedication. Uwe Rottwinkel of the shipping company Rambow received an award for his social commitment. “Not many people nowadays take on the responsibility for young trainees”, said the chairman of the BBS, Ernst-Peter Ebert, in his laudation. “Especially not when this includes those young people that would otherwise hardly have a chance in our society. Quite a few of the supposed difficult young people have actually become masters or chiefs. This success shows that Mr. Uwe Rottwinkel is right,” stated Ebert conclusively.

Excellent training (groß)

Holger Jäde, the managing director of BBS, thanked everyone involved with training on board and onshore for their special dedication. Especially the training as ship mechanic is ideal for young people, because no other maritime training promotes the understanding of the complete operation of a ship as well as this dual vocational training. “That is why I personally am very glad that with this public offer of the award Excellent training workplace and trainer we can point the way and recognise the endeavours and efforts as well as the gratification that are part of training,” concluded the managing director.