Chancellor appeals: more German Flag

At the 10th National Maritime Conference the German chancellor called on the shipowners to operate more ships under German Flag. In the presence of 750 participants she underlined how important it is for the economic location Germany to preserve maritime know-how.

Aside from the main topic of the conference – digitalisation in the maritime economy – the chancellor also mentioned the topic of changing to the German Flag in her 30-minute speech.

“It would be good if more ships with German Flag would travel in and out of our ports. Since Germany is one of the greatest shipping nations in the world, we would welcome to see this reflected in its ships’ flags as well.”

Kanzlerin bei maritimer Konferenz (groß)

The Federal Government has strengthened the German Flag considerably and made it more attractive for shipping companies with its package of measures of 100% wage tax deduction for employers, reimbursement of social security contributions for employers and the amendment of the Safe Manning Ordinance.