5. International RAVE Workshop

Offshore wind energy is more important than ever and research and development must support the accelerated and large-scale expansion of offshore windfarms. The workshop offers all researchers from industry, research institutions and universities a platform to exchange results and discuss questions related to RAVE (research at alpha ventus)




Fraunhofer location “ENIQ” in central Berlin, Germany / virutal participation possible






Fraunhofer IWES

More information


Please register for in-person participation till 3 March 2024.

About RAVE

Offshore wind energy is more important than ever and research and development must support the accelerated and large-scale expansion of offshore windfarms.
Since 2009 the RAVE initiative (research at alpha ventus) supports R&D in offshore wind with support from the German government. For this purpose extensive and long-term measurements have been carried out at Germany´s first wind farm “alpha ventus” for 14 years up to now.
RAVE’s goal is to promote offshore wind energy research by sharing this worldwide unique data set and initiate discussions about the future use of the aging offshore wind farm enhancing future research at Germany´s big offshore test field.
Access to data from more than 1200 measurement channels, wind turbine design data and different data sets from special measurement campaigns is available at the RAVE data archive operated by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in Hamburg, Germany.
More than 150 scientists worldwide have used the RAVE data for the work on their projects.

The RAVE Workshops

In order to facilitate the international exchange between scientists who are interested in RAVE or who work with RAVE data, Fraunhofer IWES is organizing the 5th International RAVE Workshop 2024.
Learn about the research results gained with the RAVE data treasure of this worldwide unique infrastructure and discuss how it can be utilized for future research questions on offshore wind energy and aging wind farms.