Seeärztlicher Dienst
Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 361 37-365
Fax: +49 40 361 37-333

Annelie Ewen
Phone: +49 40 361 37-252
Fax: +49 40 361 37-333
Ship's doctors
- Ships with ship’s doctor
- Registration of ship’s doctors
- Intership on board: Curriculum "Maritime medicine"
Ships with ship’s doctor
Ships with a voyage time of more than three days and 100 or more people on board have to be manned with a ship’s doctor. Only those crew members are allowed to work as ship’s doctor who are registered with the Maritime Medical Service of BG Verkehr.
Registration of ship’s doctors
Physicians have to fulfill the following requirements to be able to register at BG Verkehr:
- proof of specialist certification of general medicine, anesthesiology, surgery or internal medicine, and the license to practice medicine (please submit as certified copy),
- have the additional title “emergency medicine” or a certificate of specialist training in rescue medicine,
- at least four weeks of practical experience on a seagoing vessel and comprehensive knowledge of the health requirements of the service on board a ship, and
- employment or future employment as a ship’s doctor on a merchant vessel under German flag, in particular an employment agreement (§ 28 of the Maritime Labour Act).
The requirements for a registration are regulated in sentence 19 of the Maritime-Medizin-Verordnung (maritime medicine ordinance).
Intership on board as part of the Curriculum "Maritime medicine"
For the registration as ship's doctor, physicians can perform a 14-day intership on board as part of the Curriculum "Maritime medicine" of the German medical association as an alternative to the otherwise required four weeks of practical experience on a seagoing vessel.
More infos:
- information brochure: "BÄK-Curriculum Maritime Medizin" (in German only)
- specimen for a intership attestation for physicians issued by the master of the seagoing vessel