Results and retry

When will I find out about the result of my aptitude test?

The maritime psychology department of the Maritime Medical Service will let you know your overall patitude test result test as a target achievement score (number between a and 100) by mail.


What is the threshold for passing the aptitude test?

You have passed the aptitude test with a target achievement score of at least 55 (Seelotseignungsverordnung, sec. 3 para. 4).

Who decides the result of my aptitude test?

The overall result is decided by an aptitude commission. In accordance with the Seelotseignungsverordnung, sec. 3 para.2, this commission consists of two people:

  • a psychologist of the maritime psychology department of the Maritime Medical Service; and
  • a member of the "Kreis der aktiven Seelotsinnen und Seelotsen" (circle of active sea pilots) appointed by the "Bundeslotsenkammer" (Federal Chamber of Sea Pilots)

How many times can I repeat the psychological aptitude test?

The aptitude test may only be repeated once (acc. to Seelotseingnugsverordnung, sec. 3 para.4). A waiting period of 12 months is mandatory before the test may be repeated.