BG Verkehr / Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit
Seeärztlicher Dienst / Maritime Psychologie
Meßberg 4
20095 Hamburg
Fax: +49 40 361 37-333

Dietrich Grasshoff
Phone: +49 40 361 37 277

Dr. Markus Neumann
Phone: +49 40 361 37 278
Psychological aptitude test
- Psychological aptitude test
- Documents for the aptitude test
- During the aptitude test
- FAQ Psychological aptitude test
Psychological aptitude test
Those who want to become a sea pilot require an approval as a sea pilot aspirant. The prerequisites are among other things
- the medical fitness to become a sea pilot to be determined in a medical examination by recognized medical practitioners and
- proof of psychological aptitude in an aptitude test by the Maritime Medical Service.
The medical fitness examination of sea pilots has to be established prior to the pyschological aotitude test. The psychological aptitude test verifies the performance and behavioural characteristics of future sea pilots and their aptitude for sea piloting service. The performance and behavioural characteristics are elaborated upon in the German "Seelotseignungsverodnung" Annex 2 (in German only).
Documents for the aptitude test
Please send ( at the latest 7 days prior to the aptitude test a digital copy (pdf) of:
- a completed and signed biographical questionnaire
- the prepared additional questions
- the signed data sharing declaration
- your German Pilot Certificate of Fitness as proof of your medical fitness.
On the day of the aptitude test please bring:
- your valid form of identification (ID, drivers license),
- your visual aid, if required,
- provisions and drinks, if you like. There are also several restaurants and other food points in close vicinity to the test spaces.
You can ask any additional questions about the aptitude test via email to
During the psychological aptitude test
Please write an email to to request an appointment. Please note your availability in this email. Subequently, you will receive an invitation by the Maritime Medical Service with all the important information.
The aptitude test will take place in the spaces of the maritime psychology department of the Maritime Medical Service in Hamburg (Meßberg 4) and is currently held at two consecutive days during which various performance and behavioural characteristics are examined.
The aptitude test is divided into three test phases:
- test phase 1: computerized test procedures and work samples (1. day)
- test phase 2: behavioural samples (2. day)
- test phase 3: interview (2. day)
The members of the aptitude commission will be present during test phase 3. In accordance with Seelotseignungsverordnung, section 3 para. 2, this commission consists of two people:
- a psychologist of the maritime psychology department of the Maritime Medical Service; and
- a member of the "Kreis der aktiven Seelotsinnen und Seelotsen" (circle of active sea pilots) appointed by the "Bundeslotsenkammer" (Federal Chamber of Sea Pilots)
You will be notified of your overall result of your aptitude test by the Maritime Medical Service by mail.
FAQ Psychological aptitude test
What do I have to pay for the psychological aptitude test?
The costs for the psychological aptitude test are mostly covered by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV). You have to cover a partial amount of 150 Euros. After the aptitude test, the Maritime Medical Service will send you a notification of charges over this amount together with the details of the bank for transfer.
Do I have to prepare for the psychological aptitude test?
Generally, there is no need to prepare for the aptitude test. Since many of the test procedures require for you to be able to concentrate on the task, you should make sure to be well-rested and without time pressure when arriving for the test. However, there is no harm in polishing up your English, as some of the test procedures are done in English.
What is tested in the aptitude test?
During the aptitude test, defined performance and behavioural characteristics relevant for the work as a sea pilot are tested. The individual characterisitcs are given in Annex 2 of the German "Seelotseignungsverordnung".
How do you test?
The aptitude test is divided into three test phases:
- Test phase 1: computerized test procedures
- Test phase 2: procedures based on work samples
- Test phase 3: behavioural samples and inteview
Is the aptitude test in English?
Individual parts of the test are carried out in English to be able to determine the performance characteristics and skills of the English language which is a requirement for the service as sea pilot. Although for the most part, the test is in Germany.
Should I wear a particular type of clothing for the aptitude test?
No particular type of clothing is necessary. Dress comfortably in order to be able to carry out several hours of computer tests. However, the interview in test phase 3 is supposed to be like a job interview. In this phase, dress as if you are attending a job interview.
When will I find out about the result of my aptitude test?
The maritime psychology department of the Maritime Medical Service will let you know your overall patitude test result test as a target achievement score (number between a and 100) by mail.
What is the threshold for passing the aptitude test?
You have passed the aptitude test with a target achievement score of at least 55 (Seelotseignungsverordnung, sec. 3 para. 4).
Who decides the result of my aptitude test?
The overall result is decided by an aptitude commission. In accordance with the Seelotseignungsverordnung, sec. 3 para.2, this commission consists of two people:
- a psychologist of the maritime psychology department of the Maritime Medical Service; and
- a member of the "Kreis der aktiven Seelotsinnen und Seelotsen" (circle of active sea pilots) appointed by the "Bundeslotsenkammer" (Federal Chamber of Sea Pilots)
How many times can I repeat the psychological aptitude test?
The aptitude test may only be repeated once (acc. to Seelotseingnugsverordnung, sec. 3 para.4). A waiting period of 12 months is mandatory before the test may be repeated.
How long will the result of the psychological aptitude test remain valid?
The attestation of a successfully completed psychological aptitude test are valid indefinitely.
Will my previous "German Pilot Test" remain valid?
Yes, the results of the previous psychological aptitude tests (German Pilot Test) which were conducted until the end of 2022 remain valid. The comparability of the results of teh old and new tests are ensured with Annex 3 of the Seelotseignungsverordnung.