Examining physicians

Where can I be examined for my medical fitness for sea pilots?

Only medical practitioners recognized by the Maritime Medical Service of the BG Verkehr may perform medical fitness examination for sea pilots. Only these physicians have enough experience with examining sea pilots. A map and an index of these physicians can be found on www.deutsche-flagge.de.


Does the Maritime Medical Service of the BG Verkehr in Hamburg perform medical fitness examination for sea pilots?

The physicians of the Maritime Medical Service only perform examinations in exceptional cases, e.g. in case of verification of an objection. All other medical fitness examination for sea pilots are done by recognized medical practitioners (including examination of sea pilot aspirants).


Do the blood and liver levels and the stress ECG always have to be taken/conducted with a recognized medical practitioner?

No, if you have recently undergone these tests with another physician, you do not need to do these tests again with a recognized medical practitioner. It is important, however, that the results are complete and can be assigned unambiguously to the person examined.