
Does my previous certificate remain valid after the "Seelotseignungsverordnung" enters into force?

Yes, previous certificates remain valid after the "Seelotseignungsverordnung" enters into force. Only once the certificate's validity ends, does the certificate need to be renewed

How long is a German Pilot Certificate of Fitness valid for?

A new German Pilot Certificate of Fitness is valid for three years. In case of health restrictions, a recognized medical practitioner may determine a shorter period of validity.

Certificates that were issued in accordance with the former "Seelotsuntersuchungsverordnung" (= up to 27 May 2022) remain vaild.


When does the period of validity of a newly issued certificate begin?

The period of validity of a new Pilot Certificate of Fitness begins on the day the medical fitness examination for sea pilots concludes, i.e. not when the validity of the previous certificates ends. The date of issue and the expiry date are given on each newly issued certificate.


Will I be informed automatically when my certificate is about to expire or requires renewal?

No, just like before, sea pilots are responsible themselves to hold a valid Pilot Certificate of Fitness.