Emergency on board

Essential emergency information at a glance

We have compiled the most important aspects of emergency management for German-flagged merchant vessels as well as for the German coast:

Measure Contact
Measure Contact
Illness or injury
Illness or injury
Phone: +49 4721 78-5
Fax: +49 4721 78 39 15
E-Mail: medico@tmas-germany.de
  • Accident at work (more than 3 days unfit for work): fill in accident report form and fax to BG Verkehr
Phone: +49 40 39 80 0
Fax: +49 40 39 80 16 66
E-Mail: info@bg-verkehr.de

Illness or injury
Phone: +49 4721 78-5
Fax: +49 4721 78 39 15
E-Mail: medico@tmas-germany.de
  • Accident at work (more than 3 days unfit for work): fill in accident report form and fax to BG Verkehr
Phone: +49 40 39 80 0
Fax: +49 40 39 80 16 66
E-Mail: info@bg-verkehr.de

Extreme psychological strain
Extreme psychological strain
24/7 emergency phone: +49 40 328 902 440
24/7 chat: www.dsm.care
  • Contact "Trauma-Lotsen" of the BG Verkehr
Phone: +49 40 325 220-28 20
E-Mail: trauma-hamburg@bg-verkehr.de

Extreme psychological strain
24/7 emergency phone: +49 40 328 902 440
24/7 chat: www.dsm.care
  • Contact "Trauma-Lotsen" of the BG Verkehr
Phone: +49 40 325 220-28 20
E-Mail: trauma-hamburg@bg-verkehr.de

Death on board
Death on board
Phone: +49 30 90 26 95 00 0
Fax: +49 30 90 26 95 24 5
E-Mail: info.stand1@labo.berlin.de

Death on board
Phone: +49 30 90 26 95 00 0
Fax: +49 30 90 26 95 24 5
E-Mail: info.stand1@labo.berlin.de

Shipping accident
Shipping accident
  • Contact Maritime Rescue Coordiantion (MRCC) of the respective coast state
For German coast:
Phone: +49 421 53 687-0
Fax: +49 421 53 687-14

  • Inform Ship Safety Division of the BG Verkehr
Phone: +49 40 36 137-100
Fax: +49 40 36 137-204
E-Mail: psc@bg-verkehr.de
  • Inform respective classification society of the ship

Overview of the classification societies
Phone: +49 40 31 90 83 11
or +49 170 58 65 67 5
Fax: +49 40 31 90 83 40
E-Mail: posteingang@bsu-bund.de

Shipping accident
  • Contact Maritime Rescue Coordiantion (MRCC) of the respective coast state
For German coast:
Phone: +49 421 53 687-0
Fax: +49 421 53 687-14

  • Inform Ship Safety Division of the BG Verkehr
Phone: +49 40 36 137-100
Fax: +49 40 36 137-204
E-Mail: psc@bg-verkehr.de
  • Inform respective classification society of the ship

Overview of the classification societies
Phone: +49 40 31 90 83 11
or +49 170 58 65 67 5
Fax: +49 40 31 90 83 40
E-Mail: posteingang@bsu-bund.de

Oil or chemical accident
Oil or chemical accident
  • Inform "SOPEP National Focal Contact Point" of the respective coast state
For German coast:
Phone: +49 30 185 420 2400
Fax+ 49 30 185 420 2009
E-Mail: info@havariekommando.de


For other coasts:
List of "SOPEP National Focal Contact Points"
Oil or chemical accident
  • Inform "SOPEP National Focal Contact Point" of the respective coast state
For German coast:
Phone: +49 30 185 420 2400
Fax+ 49 30 185 420 2009
E-Mail: info@havariekommando.de


For other coasts:
List of "SOPEP National Focal Contact Points"
Security threat
Security threat
  • Alarm German Point of Contact (PoC) in Cuxhaven
Phone: +49 30 18 54 20-1700
or -1711 or -1712
Fax: +49 4721 39 48 52
E-Mail: poc.germany@point-of-contact.de

Website Maritime Safety and Security Centre (MSSC)
Security threat
  • Alarm German Point of Contact (PoC) in Cuxhaven
Phone: +49 30 18 54 20-1700
or -1711 or -1712
Fax: +49 4721 39 48 52
E-Mail: poc.germany@point-of-contact.de

Website Maritime Safety and Security Centre (MSSC)