Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
Referat S 12
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78
20359 Hamburg
Christina Franke-Geske
Phone: +49 40 3190 - 7185
Mail: zeugnisse@bsh.de
BG Verkehr / Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit
Referat ISM/ILO - Bereich Seearbeitsrecht
Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg
Fax: +49 40 361 37-204

Tilo Berger
Phone: +49 40 361 37-213
Mail: ism-mlc@bg-verkehr.de

Sven Reese
Phone: +49 40 361 37-313
Mail: ism-mlc@bg-verkehr.de

Kathrin Saß
Phone: +49 40 361 37-260
Mail: ism-mlc@bg-verkehr.de

Florian Reise
Phone: +49 40 361 37-214
Mail: ism-mlc@bg-verkehr.de
Bundespolizeidirektion Hannover
Möckernstraße 30
30163 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 67 67 5-0
Fax: +49 511 67 67 5-11 10
Mail: bpold.hannover@polizei.bund.de
Bundespolizeidirektion Bad Bramstedt
Raaberg 6
24576 Bad Bramstedt
Phone: +49 41 92 502-0
Fax: +49 41 92 89 96 98
Mail: bpold.badbramstedt@polizei.bund.de
Wasserschutzpolizei Hamburg
Dienststelle WSP 62: Grenzpolizeiliche Aufgaben
Klingberg 1
20095 Hamburg
Info Sammelpassagierscheine und Visa
Phone: +49 40 42 86 65 492 und +49 40 42 86 65 493
Mail: wsp62@polizei.hamburg.de
Deutscher Zoll
Dienststellen Suche
Record of Employment · Seafarer's card
There are two documents that prove professional sea service and the actual time spent working at on board a seagoing ship:
- the Seafarer's Card and
- the Records of Employment.
Thus, the seaman's books that were used in the past and the previous mustering procedure have been replaced by the legislator. However, sea service that was recorded in a seaman's book is still valid.
Record of Employment
According to the German Maritime Labour Act section 33, shipping companies are obliged to issue a record of employment to their seafarers and list all of their sea service on board seagoing vessels. Seafarers require this proof for the initial validation and extension of validity of certificates of competency and proficiency.
Records of employment must contain:
- first name and surname, date and place of birth as well as address of the seafarer,
- name and address of the shipowner (in the case of another employer, also name and address of this employer),
- name of the ship, type of ship, ship identification number (SOLAS), tonnage, engine capacity and trading area,
- time of commencement and termination of service on board,
- nature and duration of duties performed (function or capacity is sufficient).
Shipowners may decide on the format of records of employment. The following formats are acceptable:
- record of employment in electronic form, if the crew member has consented thereto, or
- loose leaves, or
- a bound copy of a seafarers’ discharge book (on offer for sale).
Shipowners must retain an electronic or paper copy of the seafarers’ records of employment for at least five years from the date of issuance. This obligation allows the Ship Safety Division of the BG Verkehr to verify the safe manning of ships in retrospect.
View a model of the record of employment.
Seafarer's Card
Seafarers can apply for a "Seafarer's Card" at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). It is valid for 10 years.
- This ID is voluntary and no prerequisite for employment on merchant ships under German flag. It is issued upon application.
- The certificate serves only to prove professional sea service in ocean shipping and substitutes neither a passport nor an official identification.
- Proof of professional sea service in ocean shipping must be provided by means of a confirmation from the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) or by proof of work in any other capacity on board a merchant ship under the German flag:
- Data cannot be saved on the Seafarer's Card. Periods of sea service are documented with Records of Employment.
- The Seafarer's Card can be an advantage in some countries and might be required in other countries.
Please use the following application form and consider our data protection declaration
- Data protection declaration
- Application for the issuance of a German Seafarer's Card
- Information on fees
Do you have any further questions? Find the contact options.
Immigration clearance
The federal police, the waterway police (only in Hamburg) and, in smaller German ports, customs issue an immigration clearance with a certificate for incoming vessels if seafarers want to go on shore leave (commonly known as shore leave passes although theses are now issued collectively). The immigration clearance is only valid for the area of the town or city of the port.