Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
Referat S 12
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78
20359 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 31 90 71 25
Mail: verification@bsh.de

Verification of German documents

Shipowners, crewing agencies, authorities (e.g. foreign flag state administrations) and other institutions with a legitimate interest can verify online the authenticity and validity of all certificates for seafarers issued by the BSH (Certificates of Competency and Proficiency as well as Seafarer's Cards). This requires a one-time registration.

You are not registered yet?

You can register for the BSH-Login here. You will then receive an e-mail and have to confirm your registration and may apply for access to the SBV-OV specialist procedure (for online verification of German certificates for seafarers).


You are already registered?

After you have registered for the BSH-Login and received the login details, you can access the BSH-Login here.

LOGIN (please switch to English version)

You would like to verify a Certificate of Competency issued by the "Seemannsamt Rostock"?

To verify a Certificate of Competency issued by the "Seemannsamt Rostock" (certificate number starts with HRO), please send an e-mail to
