Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
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20359 Hamburg

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Mail: zeugnisse@bsh.de

STCW Convention

The STCW Convention

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW Convention), as amended, is a UN convention established in 1978 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The STCW Convention also applies to ships from flag states that have not ratified this convention provided they call at the port of a contracting state.

The STCW Convention is intended to create internationally comparable standards for

  • training and professional development,
  • the certification of seafarers, and
  • the watchkeeping of seafarers.

Find more information from the BSH on the structure of the STCW Convention(in German only).

Bild: Generelle Informationen © German Tanker Shipping GmbH & Co. KG www.german-tanker.de

Amendments and notes

In 2010, the STCW Convention was extensively revised with the 2010 Manila Amendments; they entered into force on 01.01.2012. Even after these amendments, the STCW Convention has been and will be further developed; see the following sections for more details:

1 January 2025

In the Annex to the STCW Convention the definition “Original form” was added and Regulation I/2 (.11) replaced; further information is provided in following document:

  • Resolution MSC.540(107) amendments to the annex of the STCW Convention (amendment to Regulation I/1 Definition; replacement of Regulation I/2 (.11) Certificates and endorsements)

In Part A of the STCW Code the section certificates and endorsements was amended; further information is provided in following document:

  • Resolution MSC.541(107) amendments to Part A of the STCW Code (amendments to A-I/2 (4) Certificates and endorsements)

1 January 2023

The definition "High Voltage" was added to the Annex of the STCW Convention; further information on this amendment is provided in the following document:

  • Resolution MSC.486(103): Amendments to the STCW Convention (Definition "High Voltage")

The capacity "Electro-Technical Officer" was added to Part A of the STCW Code; further information about this amendment is provided in the following document:

  • Resolution MSC.487(103): Amendments to Part A of the STCW Code (adding the capacity "Electro-Technical Officer")

1 January 2021

In Part B of the STCW Code the list of documentation was newly released; further information regarding the this list is provided in the following document:

  • Resolution MSC.478(102) amendments to Part B of the STCW Code (Table B-I/2: List of certificates or documentary evidence required under the STCW Convention)

1 January 2019

Part B of the STCW Code wasconsolidated; further information regarding this consolidation is provided in the following document:

1 July 2018

Advanced training and certificates of competency are introduced for service on ships operating in polar waters; see the following documents for more information:

  • Resolution MSC.416(97) Amendment to the Annex to the STCW Convention (Polar / Passenger Ships)
  • Resolution MSC.417(97) Amendments to the STCW Code Part A (Polar / Passenger Ships)
  • STCW.6/Circ.12 Amendments to the STCW Code Part B (Polar Ships)

For the service on passenger ships, the revised regulation V/2 of the Annex to the STCW Convention, specified in the target group and supplemented by the "passenger ship emergency familiarization", enters into force; see the following documents for more information:

  • BSH information on the revised and supplemented Regulation V/2 of the STCW Convention (Passenger Ships) (in German only)
  • Resolution MSC.416(97) Amendment to the Annex to the STCW Convention (Polar / Passenger Ships)
  • Resolution MSC.417(97) Amendments to the STCW Code Part A (Polar / Passenger Ships)

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Regarding the training to become a Dynamic Positioning (DP) Operator,

Training has been introduced for service on ships subject to the IGF Code; see the following documents for more information:

  • BSH information on amendments for service on ships subject to the IGF Code(in German only)
  • Resolution MSC.396(95) Amendment to the Annex to the STCW Convention (ships subject to the IGF Code)
  • Resolution MSC.397(95) Amendments to the STCW Code Part A (ships subject to the IGF Code)
  • STCW.6/Circ.11 Amendments to the STCW Code Part B (ships subject to the IGF Code)

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A regulation on verification of compliance with and implementation of the STCW Convention has been added to the Annex of the STCW Convention; see the following documents for more information:

  • Resolution MSC.373(93) Amendment to the Annex to the STCW Convention (Regulation I/16)
  • Resolution MSC.374(93) Amendments to the STCW Code Part A (A-I/16)

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The 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention have entered into force under international law; see the following documents for more information:

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