Applications · Other forms
Many of the forms offered here by us are electronic by now. Please note the Guide to electronic forms; it is easy to understand.
- please work with an updated browser and PDF Reader version
- you can save entered data as xml-file and re-enter them into the form (e.g. when you pause your input for a longer period of time)
- you can save basic data as xml-file and enter them into several similar forms (e.g. when you fill in several applications for non-wage labour cost subsidies)
- you can print or save the fully completed form as PDF (please always with this button
on the form)
- unless requested otherwise, please send the signed applications to the BSH via postal mail
For seafarers
- Application for the replacement of Certificates of Competency (CoC) and Certificates of Proficiency (CoP)
- Application for the Issuance of Certificates of Proficiency (Deck Department, Engine Department, General Purpose Ratings, Safety, Security)
- Application for the Issuance of Certificates of Proficiency for Service on certain Types of Ships (Passenger Ships, IGF, Polar-Ships, Tankers)
- Application Endorsement of Recognition of a foreign certificate of Competency / Proficiency
For shipping companies
- Application of Survey
- Application for a Pleasure Craft: Safety Certificate/Certificate of Equivalence/Extension of Validity
- Application for Certificate of Equivalence (Non-SOLAS vessels under foreign flag in German Coastal Waters)
- Application for Suspension of a Control Inclining Test for fishing vessel of less than 24 m (in German only)
- Application for a Safe Manning Certificate for Cargo Ships/Passenger Ships
- Application for a Safe Manning Certificate for Small Vessels
- Application for a Safe Manning Certificate for commercially-used Recreational Craft
- Application for a Safe Manning Certificate for Fishing Vessels
- Application for approval of private recruitment and placement services (PRPS)
- Statement of Compliance of private recruitment and placement services (PRPS) in Non-MLC-Countries
- Declaration: Maritime labour compliance (DMLC) part II
- Declaration of shipowner's responsibility
You have to personally sign the Application: Approval of an addendum to the SSP, but you can scan it afterwards and e-mail it to the BSH.
If you want to submit ship security plans or amendments in an electronic format, please contact the Section S42. Please do not send these attachments via ordinary e-mail to the BSH.
All other applications listed below can be e-mailed via to the BSH without a signature; this is possible in the form itself:
Fill in form, click on the pdf printer button to create a pdf, in the top left corner of the pdf-window click on "File > attach to e-mail".
- Application: International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) or Interim-ISSC
- Application: Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
- Application: Exemption from reporting obligations
- Application: Installation of a Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) on board
- Application: Approval or amendments of the ship security plan SSP
- List of amendments (SSP)
- Application: Approval of an addendum to the SSP
- Format for reporting alleged inadequacy of port reception facilities
For German-flagged ships encountering difficulties to discharge ship-generated waste under MARPOL Annexes I-VI to port reception facilities in any port, the format above should be filled in and supplemented with appropriate details and information and sent to for review and follow-up. - FONAR format (Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report)
- Information leaflet on sulphur limits, the carriage ban and FONAR
You can send the application to the BSH via e-mail; this is possible on the electronic application form: fill in form, produce PDF by clicking on the PDF print button and on the opened PDF in the top left corner of the window click "file > attach to e-mail". You do not have to send originals anymore.