SOLAS Regel (Regulation) II-2/15
Anweisungen, Ausbildung und Übungen an Bord (Instructions, on-board training and drills)
- MSC.1/Circ.1555: Unified interpretations of SOLAS Chapter II-2, 25.11.2016
MSC.1/Rundschreiben 1555: Einheitliche Interpretationen zu Kapitel II-2 SOLAS, VkBl. 2017 S.507
- MSC/Circ.451: Guidance concerning the location of fire control plans for the assistance of shore side fire-fighting personnel
- MSC.1/Circ.1083: Unified interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-2/15.2.11, in force before 1 July 2002, 13.06.2003
MSC.1/Rundschreiben 1083: Einheitliche Interpretation zu Regel II-2/15.2.11 SOLAS, in kraft vor dem 1. Juli 2002, VkBl. 2004 S. 362 Sonderdruck B 8131