Seeärztlicher Dienst
Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 361 37-365
Fax: +49 40 361 37-333
Malaria is a dangerous and infectious disease which can be caught during voyages in risk areas. The Malaria pathogen is transmitted by one particular type of mosquito, anopheles. Untreated, some forms of Malaria can cause severe organ damages and even lead to death.
Every form of Malaria is usually accompanied by a fever. A reliable differentiation from other febrile illnesses, as e.g. cold or enteritis, is not possible without a laboratory examination. With every fever that occurs before or during a stay in a malaria region, the assumption that this might be the dangerous "tropical fever" (malaria tropica) has to be acted upon. It is absolutely necessary to obtain radio medical advice in such cases.
Malaria can be prevented with medication. Furthermore, measures can be taken to evade the potentially infectious mosquito bite.
For seafarers on ships on voyages in risk areas, Malaria is considered a notifiable occupational disease. To have the disease recognized as an occupational desease, it is necessary to prepare a blood sample and submit it along with the "Anzeige über die Berufskrankheit" (notification of an occupational disease, in German only).
Everything you need to know about the topic Malaria can be found in the "Leaflet on Malaria" by the Maritime Medical Service. This leaflet is required to be carried in the on-board pharmacy.